Introduction: Iodoxalol is a new type of nonionic dimer iodine contrast agent. In addition to the advantages of good water solubility and low viscosity, its injection has little toxic and side effects on osmotic pressure and blood and cerebrospinal fluid, so it is especially suitable for myelography and the imaging examination of patients with high-risk factors of contrast agent reaction.
Indications: Mainly used for adult cardiovascular angiography, cerebrovascular angiography (routine and I.A.DSA), peripheral angiography (routine and I.A.DSA), abdominal angiography (routine and I.A.DSA), urography, venous angiography and CT enhancement examination;Cardioangiography, urography, and CT enhancement in children.
Dosage and Dosage: Dosage depends on type of examination, age, weight, cardiac output, patient's general condition, and technique used.The iodine concentrations and dosages commonly used are similar to those of other iodine-containing X-ray contrast agents used today, but in some studies iodoxadol injections at lower iodine concentrations were used to obtain sufficient diagnostic information.
Adverse Reaction: See the instructions for details.
Contraindications: Patients with uncontrolled symptoms of hyperthyroidism and patients with a history of severe adverse reactions to this product.
Precautions: See the instructions for details.